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NFL Pick'Em Is Over... and We Won!

I spent a lot of time working on our NFL Pick'Em Picks this year. I created a system and started using it around week 4, partially to my wife's dismay, as we love to work on these together. We started gaining ground on the leaderboard after that, but it took a while to come up to the top around week 12, and stayed there unitl the end.

Point Totals Win

The payout for 29 players this year was $348. I was so happy that we finished 1st and I was scared that we would lose the last week by some fluke game that didn't work out for us. In the end we won by 9 points with a 1852 points so we won by 0.5%. So close, and in this case it was 2 games (A Texas Win and a Miami Loss) that decided it. Our record was 202 to 70 which was a winning percentage of 74.2%.


I have been compiling Football Data for years to help me dominate my Fantasy Fooball and PickEm Leagues. I see so many frustrated people out there struggling to find the data they were looking for, so I decided to start making this available to you, free of charge.

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